Saturday, December 24, 2011

Celine Dion - All The Blues Are Written For You Lyrics

All The Blues Are Written For You Lyrics - Celine Dion

I woke up this morning baby,The blues was pouring out of meCent fois ces mots je les ai ditsCes mots que d'autres avaient écritsDe toute ma voix, de toute mon âmeWith all the soul that I canLe blues comme on me l'a apprisI woke up this morning babyMais ce matin là, j'ai comprisI woke up this morning baby,The blues was pouring out of meA hundred times I said those wordsThose words others wroteWith all my voice, with all my soulWith all the soul that I canThe blues like I learned itI woke up this morning babyBut that morning, I understood.La peine aux longs champs de cotonJ'imaginais de mon coconLes coups, le sang, les temps boueuxJ'avais mal en fermant les yeuxThe hard work in the cotton fieldsI was imagining in my cocoonThe hits, the blood, the mud weatherI was hurt while closing my eyesHis baby's far awayJ'ai des pardons, j'ai des prièresMais l'blues c'est pas des phrases en l'airHis baby's far awayI have forgives, I have prayersBut the blues isn't sentences you throw in the airI woke up this morning babyMais ce matin t'as vraiment froidTu comprends du fond de ta poitrineTous les blues sont écrits pour toiI woke up this morning babyBut this morning you're really coldYou understand deep in your chestAll the blues are written for youOh, Oh I feel, the blues in meNobody knows how I really feelNobody knows, nobody caresLes mots te brûlent un par un comme s'ilsComme s'ils t'appartiennent enfinCes blues étaient les tiensOh, Oh I feel, the blues in meNobody knows how I really feelNobody knows, nobody caresWords are burning your one by one like ifLike if they are finally yoursThose blues were yoursDe toute ma voix, toute mon âme, with all the soul that I canLe blues qu'on n'm'a jamais apprisI woke up this morning, the blues was pouring out of meNobody knows, nobody seesWith all my voice, all my soul, with all the soul that I canThe blues I was never taughtI woke up this morning, the blues was pouring out of meNobody knows, nobody sees


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